What's the perfect matcha to water ratio?

What's the perfect matcha to water ratio?

The perfect matcha powder to water ratio can vary depending on personal taste and the strength of the matcha powder. A common ratio used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies is 2 grams (about 1 teaspoon) of matcha powder per 4 ounces (about 120 ml) of water.

However, some people prefer a stronger or weaker cup of matcha. If you prefer a stronger cup, you can use up to 3 grams of matcha powder per 4 ounces of water. If you prefer a weaker cup, you can use as little as 1 gram of matcha powder per 4 ounces of water.

Additionally, you can adjust the ratio based on the temperature of the water. If you're using hot water, you can use less matcha powder, and if you're using cold water you may want to use a bit more matcha powder to achieve the desired flavor.

It is recommended to start with the standard ratio of 2g per 4 oz and adjust it to your liking.

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